What is sailing to us?
And… how can Dyneema® enhance our sailing experience?
Sailing – for us it is those magical moments at sea:
… The flat shape of the east coast of Wangerooge island slowly rises up from the haze. Still we have to pass the island „Mellum Plate“. The wind is perfectly breezing from North North-East, so that we quickly reach our anchorage. The high yellow sand dunes glow warm in the evening sun. The fresh green of the dunes contrasts to the water mirroring the blue sky.
The anchor dropped, we make the ship clear for the night. Our dinner with a glass of good red wine brings us to the rest. Bird songs sound over the nature of world heritage „National Park Wattenmeer“. The wind falls asleep, and the sun starts her unique firework in the sky. So well known but also new every time we experience this, our hearts being touched by this beauty.
The colours of the landscape blur to pale shadow during the twilight when night falls. Thousands of stars are in the sky, the clouds of the milky way are clearly visible. – Can we sleep outside today? It’s August and we see Perseid meteor showerfalling from the sky. We have free a desire with every shooting star we see…
This is sailing: storm & dead calm, wind & waves. Sailing is more than a hobby or a sports leisure to us, it’s a way of life! To change the safe ground under our feet for a simple life on the boat just for days or weeks. A life where essential things come to focus that have become granted for us in „normal“ life: finding a quiet place where we can sleep safely. Prepare our food. Obtain fresh water. Get back timely to our home port so that we can take our place in the „normal“ world again in the upcoming week.
Only one weekend at sea takes us apart from everyday’s treatmill just as if we have had holiday for a week.
And because „two boats are a race“ it is important for us to equip our boat with top gear for the sailing performance & safety. In 2011, the renewal of our running rigging was on our plan for „CALISTA“. So we have applied Dyneema® 2011 Experience. With the election of Dyneema® ropes, which is provided by the Gleistein Ropes, we expect the following important advantages:
- Safety by high breaking loads
- Better sail trimming
- Durability both mechanical, as well as against UV light
Ilka and Michael Hucke
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